Scouting is a rewarding and welcoming experience, regardless of your age, gender, or any previous experience in the global Scouting movement.
School age children can join a local group and enjoy a journey of up to 20 years through the different sections, which each have their own age-appropriate activities and colour-coded uniforms. Or first-timers can join at any point along the way.
Scouting involves youth-leading and adult supporting.
Our youth members lead in their Cub Scout Packs, Scout Troops and other sections.
Scouts is run by trained volunteer Leaders. All Leaders have a current Working with Children Check and National Police Records Checks. A Parents Committee supports the Group assisting with administration, finance and property.
Leaders help young members through their transition up to the next section, taking into account the child’s development and maturity for the move. We want the members to be excited about stepping up and ready to take on the next challenge.
Enthusiastic Adult Leaders are always welcome too. No previous Scouting experience is needed.
Scouting has a ‘try-out’ period of up to three weeks to help prospective youth members make up their minds before joining, so come along, and try Scouting at 1st Canterbury.
1st Canterbury Scouts
25 Shierlaw Avenue Canterbury VIC 3126
Copyright © 2024 1st Canterbury Scouts - All Rights Reserved.
So, what are you waiting for?!? Gather your school friends, sporting friends or family friends and show them how awesome Scouting is!